The term "Virtualization " traces its roots to 1960's mainframes,It was a method of logically dividing the mainframes resources for different application.
There are Several types of virtualization are studying in this post,so relaxed and read it carefully.
Hardware Virtualization
Its also known as Platform Virtualization.It refers to creation of a virtual machine that acts like real computer with an OS.<Separated from underlying hardware resource>
The Software or Firmware that creates avirtual machine on the host hardware is called Hypervisor or Virtual machine Manager.
Ex. Virtual Box , VM Ware , Xen Desktop , Hyper-V......
- Different Types of Hardware Virtualization
1) Full Virtualization - Complete simulation of actual hardware to allow Software
(guest OS)to run Unmodified.
2) Partial Virtualization - Some but Not all of the target environment is Simulated. Some of
Guest program therefore may need modification run in its virtual
3) Paravirtualization - A Hardware environment is not Simulated. Guest = in their own
isolated Domains.
Hardware Assisted Virtualization
It is way of improving the efficiency of hardware virtualization.
Hardware component help to emprove guest
environment performance.
Part of overall trend in enterprise It that Includes Autonomic Computing.
With Virtualization Several OS can be run in parrallel on single Central Processing Unit.
Reduce Overheads Cost and differs from Multitasking.
Hardware virtualization is not the same as hardware emulation.
Hardware Emulation
In Hardware emulation a piece of hardware imitates another . While in Hardware Virtualization A hypervisor imitates a particular piece of computer hardware on
the Entire Computer.